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Outset Media

Oh What a Night

Oh What a Night

Regular price $29.99 CAD
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Ages 12+         3 - 8 Players         20 - 30  Min

Oh What a Night is a casual co-operative party game where two teams work together to piece together what one of the teams did last night (along with where they did it and with whom!) Decks of cards randomly determine what the team did last night.

Each round, the team of guessers will receive a set of clues from the other team. The clues will get more specific and easier to decipher as the round progresses, and players get more points for figuring out the answers early.

The first clue will be a three-word hashtag, the second clue will be a four-word text message (with no vowels), and the third clue will be five-word newspaper headline- sensational and vague.

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