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DC Comics

Harley Quinn #45

Harley Quinn #45

Regular price $5.20 CAD
Regular price Sale price $5.20 CAD
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Attention residents of Throatcutter Hill!

Art! Since the dawn of humanity, we have found emotional,

spiritual, and even intellectual meaning through the visual arts.

But sometimes…even art can suck real, real bad. Is a soulless and

aesthetically meritless corporate statue ruining your view of a

perfectly good park full of uncollected trash and dead rats? That’s

where I come in—Hello, I’m Harley Quinn. Recently, I launched

my latest business venture, the Harley Quinn Destructive Agency.

My goal is simple: if there’s something you need blown up, if you

need somebody clobbered, if there’s anything I can do to make

Throatcutter Hill a more dangerous place again—I’ll do it.

My rates are reasonable! And for an introductory price of $3.99

you can witness me beat the crud out of a corpo superhero! You’ll

laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll slap your thigh! So what are you waiting

for? Call your local comics store, and be sure to order a copy of

Harley Quinn #45 today!

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